Image of Karen Ward-Welch

Karen Ward-Welch

available for new clients


Available for

In person or online supervision

Individual supervision

Available on
  • weekdays
  • evenings
  • weekends

About me

I have been blessed with a job I love and a career I am proud of so far, having experience in mostly all domains around the UK. I qualified as a Registered Sign Language interpreter in 2004 and have been employed as a staff interpreter within organisations as well as working in a freelance capacity since 2005. My specialist domains are theatre, performance interpreting and currently, video relay interpreting.

I began working with a professional supervisor a few years ago and have acknowledged the positive impact it has had on my professional practice as well as my general well-being, I’m aware I’m being more kind to myself these days. Beforehand, I recognised I was ruminating on dilemmas, people pleasing and wrestling with what I thought I ‘should’ be doing in my career. Even though I have trusted peers I could discuss certain issues with, supervision felt different. The experience was illuminating, and this has inspired me to train to become a supervisor too.

Investing in yourself for an hour of quality time for supervision is vital self-care as well as professional development. As interpreters in the field, we can experience imposter syndrome, vicarious trauma, and may wrestle with work life balance. I know I have. Supervision is time for us to reflect, breathe and share what is on our mind in the world of work. My role as your supervisor is to listen, helping you spot patterns and habits. I will occasionally gently challenging you and offer perspective as you work out your strategies. It is also a time for us to celebrate our successes.

Beginning supervision can be exciting and daunting, so it is important you find the right supervisor. I welcome a brief introductory online session, where we can see if we are the right fit.

About my profession

  • Diploma in Supervision for Sign Language Interpreters and Allied Professionals (360 Supervision)
  • Postgraduate Diploma in BSL/English Interpreting
  • NVQ Level 6 Diploma in Sign Language Interpreting
Professional body membership
  • NRCPD - Registered Sign Language Interpreter
  • ASLI - Full member
  • VLP - Full member

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